Cold Sores and your Dental Appointment at The Glenroy Dental Group

Approximately 1 out of 4 people suffer from recurring cold sores, which makes it a common condition, but one that can affect your dental appointments.

Other conditions can be similar, so if you happen to have small blisters around the borders of your lips, it’s important to determine if they are cold sores or canker sores. Here’s an illustration of the difference.

Moreover, if you do have a canker sore, it is important that you give us a call so we can reschedule your dentist appointment until after your sores heal, in about 8-10 days. 

Anyone who has suffered the embarrassment and pain of cold sores knows the symptoms too well: that tingly, itchy, hot feeling on the edge of your lip. And because cold sores can be caused by stress, they sometimes seem to strike when they’re least welcome; just before a party, job interview, or some other important occasion. Herpes simplex I, the virus that usually causes cold sores is like a bad penny – it always turns up.

The first cold sore is often the worst. But after that the virus lurks in your system forever, lying dormant among the nerve ganglia beneath your skin’s surface, waiting to be spring back to life.

At The Glenroy Dental Group we know that striking back against cold sores, hard, when they first start to erupt, is one of the best ways to stop them in their tracks. We also know how to treat erupted cold sores and ensure that the cold sore virus is passed to others.

Read on, to learn what you need to know about cold sores, and catching and treating them, preferably early!

Early treatment options

Early treatment is key to conquering cold sores. There are two kinds of medicines, topical (ointments) and oral (drugs). The key is to use them as soon as possible. If you are a regular sufferer of cold sores, you might get your prescription from your doctor now, so you have it in hand if you feel an outbreak coming on.

Prescription creams and ointments (be aware of side-effects!)

Nonprescription ointments and creams

But what can you do if your cold sores have broken out?

First, of course, continue to take or apply your medicine, but you can also follow this handy list of do’s and don’ts:



The Glenroy Dental Group and You

At The Glenroy Dental Group, your health and happiness, and that of your loved ones are our primary goals. We use the most modern technology available and take advantage of the latest dental techniques to ensure that your dental health and appearance are at the highest level. We want you to receive the best possible dental care with no pain or anxiety!

Our offices are conveniently located in the Pascoe Vale Road shopping strip, Glenroy, with plenty of parking space, we are located within easy walking distance of the Glenroy train station.

Same Day Dental Emergency Appointment Available

Call (03) 9306 6511 or visit us at 2/830 Pascoe Vale Road in Glenroy.