How To Save A Damaged Tooth In Glenroy

How To Save A Damaged Tooth In Glenroy

Tooth decay and cavities are something you are most likely to experience at any age, given the dental care routine you follow and the lifestyle you lead. Even though kids are most vulnerable to it, adults should not ignore any signs of dental cavities. Cavities, if...
Myths About Porcelain Veneers Debunked

Myths About Porcelain Veneers Debunked

Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments available for various oral issues. Veneers are thin shells of natural-looking coverings placed on the surface of the teeth used to fix stained teeth, chipped or broken teeth, damaged teeth, and more...
Dental Bonding vs Porcelain Veneers

Dental Bonding vs Porcelain Veneers

Have you thought of having cosmetic dentistry to fix a gap in your teeth, or to fix a broken tooth, to brighten stained teeth, or to look professional? Well, several dental procedures can help you with that. Two common procedures that many people choose to get such...